From Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, this listing is for an agate geode with a sparkling drusy center. The center has both large quartz points and tiny drusy. The agate surrounding the drusy center is creamy white like snow and quartz can be seen peeking through the outer shell.
We could never have guessed; we were already blessed, where we are. -James Taylor
One of the most helpful and positive stones to receive, find or give, Agate is a blessing. It has been valued as a good luck stone through many ages and cultures because it influences actions that contribute to growth and wellbeing. Choose Agate when selecting a crystal gift, especially for someone younger who you wish to align with the best and brightest future. As with Chalcedony and Jasper, consider the color. Red is a power color representing strength, passion and creation. Earthy browns are grounding and green resonates with healing and the heart.
Keywords: blessings, best wishes
3 1/8 X 1 7/8 X 1 7/8 inches