This listing is for a bright yellow crystal of brucite. Brucite is of the triagonal crystal system, is low on the mohs scale and usually appears waxy on the surface. The brucite from Pakistan is eye popping yellow, making it a great choice for color therapy and a good choice for brightening the 3rd chakra (will center). Brucite can be associated with calcite, serpentine, magnetite and magnesite and clinochlore to name a few.
Use brucite to raise the vibration of the 3rd chakra and bring back its shine. Any of the lower 3 chakras are associated with confidence and the 3rd is especially helpful with creativity, having a brighter outlook, approaching tasks firmly rooted and fully aligned. Use brucite and a power stance and repeat 'I know who I am' when you are anxious or unable to act from a place of strength.
Keyword: autonomy
7/8 inch