From the Naughty Gnome Pocket, Diana Maria Mine, Frosterly Weardale, Co. Durham, this listing is for a bi-color fluorite specimen with lustrous, glassy crystals. This stunning fluorite is both blue and green, the blue is activated and accentuated by natural sunlight. Gemmy translucence makes the edges of the cubic crystal formations pop with light and color and under uv light, the fluorescence is spectacular. This gorgeous specimen has cubic crystal formations covering both sides and an abundance of small fluorite wedged between the two sides, a fluorite sandwich. In addition, this specimen will t upright naturally to display facing forward. The Diana Maria pocket lies at the intersection zone of the Greenbank vein and the Sutcliffe vein of the well-known and respected Rogerly Quarry.
What is laid down, ordered, factual is never enough to embrace the whole truth: life always spills over the rim of every cup. -Boris Pasternak
Fluorite has such an industrious nature. As you strive toward your desired goal fluorite lends its determination, focus and mental clarity to your task. Use Fluorite to take you into a solid, steady daydream where you plot and plan your life. Spend your time in a delicious meditative state exploring every detail of the life you dream of living. Fluorite is about mental focus and clarity, bring this superb quality to your daydreams, to your meditation practice, to your life.
Keywords: the life you dream of living
W 4 3/8 X D 2 X H 2 7/8 inches