From Morocco, this listing is for a disc of Selenite, perfect for use as a charging plate. This is a multiple listing, each disc is similar, not exactly the same.
The circle is an essential building block of sacred geometry, leading first to the Vesica Piscis, then the Triquetra and next the Seeds of Life and on and on...
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed. -C.G. Jung
Selenite is especially effective as a partner crystal, use it with other crystals and minerals to magnify and support their properties and keep them clear. Use Selenite for spiritual, physical or emotional clearing and to keep your space and other crystals and minerals vibrant and ready to work. Just as Selenite enhances and clears other crystals and minerals, the vital life force of essential oils is amplified and enhanced when paired with Selenite. Keep in mind, Selenite is water soluble so do not place essential oils directly on your Selenite crystal.
Keywords: clearing, partnerships, support
4-inch circle